Music at Cringle Brook
and at our other Trust schools
Our music curriculum acknowledges and builds on the positive impact that listening to, creating and performing music can have on self-esteem, self-confidence and mental health. Pupils are encouraged to express themselves through the music they listen to, create and perform.
At Kingsway Community Trust we believe that music has a vital part to play in children's development. We agree that 'Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity' (National Curriculum) Our music curriculum acknowledges and builds on the positive impact that listening to, creating and performing music can have on self-esteem, self-confidence and mental health. Pupils are encouraged to express themselves through the music they listen to, create and perform and to incorporate healthy music habits as a positive influence in their lives.
Our curriculum will develop a broad range of musical skills, knowledge and behaviours - including global and cultural experiences - in order to broaden their outlook. This will allow pupils from reception to year six to appraise, create and perform music with the confidence to express themselves. Children will build upon their exploration and knowledge of musical instruments and genres to create and appraise as musicians. Through the four strands of the music curriculum, children will develop confidence, communication, thinking and creative skills and develop their emotional well-being.
Our children love music at Cringle Brook!
“In music, we get lots instruments out and we sing. I like to play the shakers and the cleaves. Miss Webber plays a beat and we play it back". Year 1
“In year 3, we learned lots of different instruments like the ukulele and recorder. We have a tutor that comes to teach us on a Wednesday".
“I like to listen to different types of music. We have been listening to gospel music recently and I loved comparing the differences between the tracks.” - Year 5