Year 4 children from Cringle Brook and children from CEIP Blas de Otero in Madrid, exchanged Christmas carols! Cringle Brook sent their recording of a bilingual English and Spanish 'Jingle Bells' and CEIP Blas de Otero sent us a recording of '5 Little Elves' in English. It was fun to practise Christmas songs in each other's language and exchange these! Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad to everyone!
All three schools in the trust have collaborated with our link Spanish school, in Madrid, CEIP Blas de Otero, this year.
While some classes produced some amazing leaflets about Manchester, other children wrote postcards about different topics, such as pets and uniforms. Incredibly, everything was written in Spanish!
The children in Spain worked on the same topics, in English. This meant that we were able to learn all about Madrid, the school and the children.
As well as sharing these with each other electronically, classes sent examples to each other via the post so that they could be really enjoyed in person!
It was great to practise each other's languages, learn from one another and celebrate diversity!
Muchas gracias to our link Spanish school, CEIP Blas de Otero, for the great collaboration with us!