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Year 4 link with The British School of Guangzhou in China! 


Year 4 - who were studying China as their topic - linked with a school in Guangzhou, China to find out more about the country and life for children there!


Check out the school's website below!


Not only did we learn that lots of things are 'Made in China' - especially toys and electrical goods, but that we also have a lot in common with the children in the school over there, for example, liking the same music, sports and computer games! 


As well as learning about their amazing Chinese New Year celebrations, which inspired us to make moving Lego Chinese dragons, we were also taught some Mandarin (with the help of some of our Chinese families too!) including writing it!


The children have also swapped questions with each other using padlet!

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​Cringle Brook Primary School

388 Slade Lane


Manchester, M19 2HT


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Executive Headteacher - Lisa Vyas

Head of School/SENDCo - Helen Chase 

Telephone: 0161 248 1730


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